Rocking Chair | A Petersen
kr 18081
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The Rocking Chair is the result of playful experimentation with cabinetmaking, combined with the architect’s grasp of mathematical calculations of so-called force polygons: how the joints distribute the force you exert on the chair and its joints when you sit down. Architect Dan Svarth, who is also a trained cabinetmaker, has precisely calculated how the joints should be placed in order to relieve and distribute the weight in the chair optimally.
Designing a usable and comfortable deckchair was once a recurring assignment at the School of Architecture. Quite simple, yet still complicated, as it requires the architect to hit the precise point where comfort, expression and craftsmanship create something greater than the sum of its parts.
However, the chair is also Dan Svarth’s whimsical play on expectations. At first glance, the Rocking Chair resembles a classic deckchair. But what you actually get is a flexible chair, in which you can remain seated while reaching for the coffee cup on the table in front of you. You can then calmly lean back into a very comfortable position, cup in hand.
Getama in northern Jutland is currently producing the wooden parts of the Rocking Chair, and canvas printer Janne Wendt is in charge of printing the fabric in her workshop in the Copenhagen enclave of Frederiksberg in white, blue and red patterns created by Danish fashion and textile designers.
The chair’s armrests are a reference to Dan’s professor and boss, Poul Kjærholm, who designed the same armrest shape for the PK28, which was a further development of the Kjærholm chair in the lecture hall at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art north of Copenhagen.
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Dan Svarth
A Petersen
Ramme i ubehandlet ask, sete i kanvas, messingbraketter
B: 67 cm, D: 90 cm, H: 90 cm
Varianter | Anne Fabricius Møller (red), Iben Brøndum – Epice (blue), Mads Nørgaard (white) |
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